Ananda Marga as a mission manifests its social welfare concern through social service projects.
Ananda Marga inspired projects ranges from direct or instant relief that include food, shelter and medical care in underdeveloped or disaster struck areas, to long term projects that support local communities such as establishing relief units, medical clinics, schools and orphanages among others.
Sevá means "selfless service". Service is there where there is no desire to get anything in return. When there is a desire to take while giving, it is not service, but business. Any kind of business is attached to give-and-take. In many newspapers one comes across many advertisements of business establishments – "In your service since such-and-such year." No, it is not service, it is business, because the person does not give anything without taking something. So in service there is only giving and no question of taking. Even if somebody gives in return, the mental attitude should be not to take anything – this alone is service. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti The Three Factors for Spiritual Elevation