Official Website of Ananda Marga in Europe
Berlin Sector

MG Quarter - Marga Guru Quarter - Madhu Karuna Germany

Madhu Karuna - Germany is the only a Marga Guru Quarter (MG Quarter) in the european continent. Shrii Shrii Anandamuti had given the name Madhu Karuna which means "Sweet Compassion". A Baba's room is one of Madhu Karuna's very silent feature. Ananda Margiis enthusiastically come inside Baba's room to do their Sadhana and experience a unique feeling of peace and tranquility.

Historical Review: Since 1982 Baba started staying in His own house called MG Quarter. Today we have a total of 41 MQ Quarters worldwide. Madhu Karuna is one among them. It comprises an area 2800 square meters.

Flower at MG Quarter.Madhu Karuna is the place that rings the mind when we talk about Ananda Marga conferences in Europe. It has become a household name for spiritual conferences of Ananda Marga since it reached the continent. For years, Ananda Margiis from the continental Europe and beyond has been coming and enjoying the center where Baba's room is one of its main spiritual attraction - ever alive in subtle silence.

Aquired in December 1987, Madhu Karuna has become a conference center where Ananda Margiis come in varying sorts of dress color. It has areas and living quarters that comfortably accommodate everyone.

Too spiritually significant to miss, Madhu Karuna is here to stay.

Come and visit us. Feel and understand what Madhu Karuna means to everyone, especially to you and your love ones.

Madhu Karuna is managed by Ac. Aniishananda Avt.

Contact Address:
Madhu Karuna
Neugasse 2
55234 Wendelsheim
Phone: +496734913848